Meet Katie, the Emissary from Auckland

Posted by on January 17, 2014 in Blog, Community, Sex Geekdom | 0 comments

Meet Katie

Meet Katie

Adding to our lovely collection of antipodean Sex Geekdom hubs, Katie from Auckland, New Zealand has recently founded a new group there. Katie’s a seasoned community manager and I’m thrilled that she’s founding a Sex Geekdom hub in a whole new country.

Kate: Tell me a little about yourself. What makes you a sex geek?

Katie: I am 19 years old and studying Arts at the University of Auckland. I am a sex geek because I am constantly curious about sex, not about getting it but knowing more about it, and all about the different communities surrounding it.

Kate: Why did you decide to start a Sex Geekdom group in your city?

Katie: I like the idea behind Sex Geekdom and the opportunity to have regular hangouts with likeminded people appealed to me. When I found out there wasn’t one in Auckland, I decided instead of waiting for one I should make one myself.

Kate: What is your favourite sex geeky fact?

Auckland's skyline

Auckland’s skyline

Katie: I really love the fact that vibrators were originally invented to cure hysteria in women. It’s fairly well known but I love it anyway.

Kate: What inspired you to become a Sex Geekdom Emissary?

Katie: I found the community online and I really liked it. Once I realised there wasn’t a New Zealand one I decided to make one myself.

For more information about Sex Geekdom Auckland, request to join their Facebook group. If you’re interested in starting a Sex Geekdom hub in your city, fill out this survey and contact me.